Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z non-resident companies non-resident company non-resident holding non-residential structures non-respondent non-response rate non-schooling children non-self-supporting population non-sensitive goods non-sensitive list non-skill labourers non-storable commodity(ies) non-tariff protection non-transferrable non-union workers non-unionworkers non-use of a patent non-voting shares non-wage benefit non-wage benefits non-waste non-working of a patent non-zero entrys noncash and cash overhead costss noncommercial farms noncompetitive imports noncorporate establishments nondurable goods nondurable consumption nonearning cash noneconomic motives nonferrous metal industry nonhousehold balances nonincorporated enterprises nonnegotiable nonpecuniary motives nonproductive services nonreciprocal clause nonreciprocal principle nonreciprocal provision nonremunerative family labour nonresidential industrial construction norm norm coefficient normal demand conditions normals northen range nostro balance not at-arms-length transaction not elsewhere cited