Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь - R Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z receipt book receipts receipts from and payments on investment receipts and expenses receipts from custom duties taxes and other protec receipts of factors of production receipts tax receiptss and expenses receiptss from custom duties taxes and other prote receiptss of factors of production receiptss tax receivable receivable-payable basis of accounting receivables receive goods into custody receiver receiver of technology receiving receiving act receiving state recession recession in demand recessionary recessionary tendencies recipient countries reciprocal reciprocal provision reciprocal clause reciprocal concessions reciprocal contract reciprocal credit lines reciprocal principle reciprocal privileges reciprocal trade agreement reciprocal value reclaim reclaim capital goods reclaim land reclamation reclamation of barren land reclamation of barren reclamation of land reclassifications of posts recompense reconcile reconcile accounts reconcile classifications reconcile total inflow and total outflow reconciliation reconciliation of totals