Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z anniversary anniversary year announcement of pledges annual annual balance annual duty per machine annual earnings summary annual minimum wage annual outlays for repairs and maintenance annual retirement allowance annual return annual average compound rate annual calf crop annual consumption annual costs of wages annual depreciation amount annual depreciation cost annual disappearance annual disappearance of grain annual maintenance fee annual maintenance fee charged by patent office annual meeting annual receipts annual salary annual saving annual statement annual turnover annuitant annuity annuity bond anti- anti-competitive practice anti-cyclical measures anti-growth policies anti-recessionary policy anti-trust anti-trust law anti-trust law (legislation) anticipate anticipate payment anticipate trends anticipated adjustments anticipated profit anticipation anticipatory anticipatory damages anticompetitive practice antidumping code antirecessionary policy apartment house