Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z apparent apparent domestic (national) consumption apparent stocks appellation of origin applicant applicant for a patent application application blank (form) application for investment application for investments application for a patent applied applied economics applied art applied research applied science applied statisticss applied studys appointment apportion apportioned costs (expenses) apportionment apportionment method (of income estimation) appraisal appraisal of data appraise appraised value appraisement appraiser appreciable appreciate appreciation appreciation in value of investment appreciation of capital appreciation of currency rate appreciation of exchange rate apprehensive buying apprentice apprentice training apprenticeship appropriate appropriate a piece of property appropriate goods to the contract appropriate housing appropriate money for ... appropriation appropriation account appropriation of payment appropriation resolution for ... appropriations requested by the general assembly