Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z artificial capital artificial person artificial sample artificial transactions ascertain ascertain the extent of the damage ascertainment ascertainment of quality assemblage assemble assembler assembling assembling department assembling fitter assembly assembly belt (line) assembly line technique assembly shop assess assess damage assessable payments assessed contributions assessed taxes assessed valuation assessment assessment base assessment of compensation for nationalization assessment of statutory prices assessments for regular budget assessments for the regular budget assessments of contributions assessments to budget assets and principal liabilities assets(s) assets(s) holdings assets(s) formation assets(s) ledger assets(s) structure of a plant assets(s)-capacity ratio assets(s)s in the non-material sphere assets(s)s and liabilities assets(s)s-liabilities standing assign assign a limit assign a sum assignation assignment assignment of a contract assignment allowance assignment clause