Главная → Словари Англо-русский финансовый словарь Все A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z occupations wage ocean ocean born shipping ocean economy ocean-borne shipping oda odd odd come-short odd work oddment oecd of 1950 mint of the bond issue off season off- off-day off-farm income off-farm paid work off-grade off-hours job off-line equipment off-quality off-season off-shore off-shore dollars off-shore industries off-shore pipeline off-shore well off-shore drilling off-shore oil off-shore oil deposits off-shore oil drilling off-shore rig off-shore strip off-take capacity off-year offer offer of appointment offered price office office automation office building office expenses office accommodation office accommodations office and management personnel office equipment office facilities office holder office hours